MiSP Training Overseas

Overseas Courses

Group Courses Overseas

MiSP welcomes the opportunity to provide support to international organisations seeking to bring MiSP mindfulness curricula to schools in their country.

If your organisation already has a network of people interested in training to teach mindfulness to children and young people but needs expert help to deliver this, you can become a MiSP host and we can send a team of our expert trainers out to deliver training in your country.

Please contact us if you would like to know more.

MiSP Partners Overseas

MiSP is delighted to have agreements with a small number of organisations to run our Teach .b and Teach Paws b courses outside of the UK. We have worked closely with these international organisations to ensure that they are able to maintain the integrity and quality of our courses and that they have a suitably qualified, professional local training team. Whilst we retain a close relationship with all our international partners, they run courses independently from MiSP.

Please contact us if you would like to know more.

The partnership organisations listed below run training courses open to the general public to attend. We also work with a number of international organisations to train predetermined groups of teachers as part of funded projects.


Mindfulness for Childrens’ Project (MfCP)

The Mindfulness for Childrens’ Project (MfCP) was created to promote well-being of children and those working in education in Japan through mindfulness.


Jockey Club “Peace and Awareness” Mindfulness Culture in Schools Initiative

The Jockey Club “Peace and Awareness” Mindfulness Culture in Schools Initiative (JC PandA) aims to promote a mindfulness culture in Hong Kong schools and focuses on the mental health of students, teachers and the general public. This six-year project, running from 2019 to 2025, is funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and organised by the Faculty of Social Sciences of The University of Hong Kong. JC PandA is one of the pioneer large-scale projects in Chinese societies that explores the benefits of mindfulness for students and teachers in school settings. The project’s research findings and experiences will shed light on how mindfulness could be applied in the education sector, and enable educators in Chinese societies to apply mindfulness to building a healthy and flourishing school culture.


The Sanctuary

The Sanctuary is a meditation centre for social change in the heart of Dublin City. It is a charity founded by Sr. Stan Kennedy in 1998 with a focus on personal well-being; and indeed continues to offer courses on yoga, mindfulness, meditation and drop in sessions for those seeking to maintain their balance: both physically and mentally.


Stichting M.B.T.O.

Stichting Mindfulness Based Trainingen voor het Onderwijs (Stichting M.B.T.O.) is a non-profit organisation that aims to bring a positive impact in schools through mindfulness, for their pupils as well as for their caretakers. Within our non- profit organisation we focus on three pillars: Training, Connect & Support.


Ser Integral: Portuguese Centre for Mindfulness

Ser Integral was founded in 2007. It was the first centre in Portugal offering mindfulness in a secular context and the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program (MBSR). Their areas of mindfulness based interventions include the field of health and well-being for adults, children and adolescents, as well as, schools and companies.