Teach .breathe

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“It was highly organised, clear, inspirational and motivational and I can’t wait to use it with children.”

I felt that even at full price, the amount of support, resources and advice given was worth a lot more. Thank you.”


tick bullet PSHE
tick bullet Transition years
tick bullet Wellbeing
tick bullet Stress reduction


tick bullet Packed training day
tick bullet Expert pedagogy
tick bullet 4 lessons plus resources
tick bullet £25 discount for our .begin course

.breathe introduction to mindfulness boy blowing dandelion

This informative and engaging one-day course is an introduction to mindfulness for teachers, including the science behind mindfulness and how it can support individuals in schools to enhance their wellbeing.

Participants will also be trained to deliver .breathe, our four lesson curriculum for 9-14 year olds to be taught in the classroom as part of the Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) curriculum in Years 5-9 (ages 9-14).

.breathe is particularly well-suited to those young people facing transition: from class to class, from lockdown back to school, from primary to secondary, and from childhood to adolescence.

By the end of this course you will:

1. Have explored the science of mindfulness, how the mind reacts to stressors, and how training your attention can help regulate these reactions.

2. Have participated in exercises and discussions to enhance your understanding of what mindfulness is, what it isn’t, and the potentially positive impact it can have.

3. Have an understanding of the key challenges that children experience when transitioning from school to school.

4. Have been trained to deliver the four .breathe lessons to children in your school which explore:

  • Working with the capacity of attention; exploring how we can work with a wandering mind.
  • Why humans worry, and how to support ourselves when we do so.
  • Sleep – why it is important and what to do if we struggle to sleep well.
  • Being with others – the opportunities and challenges of working skilfully with friendships and other relationships.

.breathe was developed by MiSP as part of a large-scale research project called ‘Healthy Minds’, a resilience-based PSHE curriculum, which was delivered with Bounce Forward in partnership with the London School of Economics and funded by the Education Endowment Foundation. The research involved 11,000 students in 34 schools over 5 years, and found percentage gains across five measures which included emotional health, behaviour, physical health, life satisfaction and global health.

5. Be aware of the impact that mindfulness can have as a whole-school approach, and how to implement this for yourself and your school.

Who is this course aimed at?

  • Year 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 class teachers
  • Staff with responsibility for Pastoral Care, Transition, Social and Emotional Learning, including the PSHE programme
  • Members of the Senior Leadership Team

Unlike other MiSP curricula, it is not required that those training to teach .breathe have an existing mindfulness practice, but it is crucial that they are willing to engage in introductory mindfulness practices both during the Teach .breathe course and beyond.

Guidance and support on this practice will be given both during and beyond  the Teach .breathe course.

Please also note:

  • Experience of working or volunteering with groups of children aged 9-14 years of age is essential as Teach .breathe is not a course which teaches the classroom teaching and management skills needed when working with this age group.
  • If you are new to mindfulness, we would also encourage you to attend one of our online webinars, and deepen your understanding of mindfulness through reading and following the practices in Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World prior to attending the Teach .breathe course.

How much does Teach .breathe cost?

This live online course costs £225.

This course meets the conditions of an exempt supply of education provided by an eligible body and therefore is exempt from VAT.

On completion of this course you will receive a £25 discount for our 8-week live online mindfulness course, .begin. You will also receive 6-months complimentary membership to our Trained Teacher Hub.

Discounts for group bookings may be available. For more information, please contact enquiries@mindfulnessinschools.org

How is Teach .breathe delivered?

This live online course can be available in different formats:

  • As a one-day course
  • In two sessions of half a day each
  • Over three sessions of two hours each

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Further support

Once you have completed the Teach .breathe course and are a Hub member you will be able to access 90 minute .breathe Practice Sessions. These sessions provide the opportunity for deepening your understanding and experience of mindfulness and supporting the teaching of .breathe in your setting. Login to the Hub and visit this page to find out more.

For further information please see the full course pre-requisites and the Terms & Conditions for attending a MiSP one-day course and the  Terms & Conditions for delivering a .breathe course.

Find out more about the .breathe curriculum.

Read feedback and testimonials from previous course participants.

Why is transition so important? Find out more here.

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