Teach .b Foundations

Teach .b Foundations

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Teach .b Foundations is a course designed by Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) for qualified adult mindfulness teachers to learn to deliver .b Foundations to adults in schools.

Offering a fresh take on the traditional eight-week MBSR/CT curriculum and approach we aim to make mindfulness as accessible and effective as possible for adults in school settings.

What is different about .b Foundations?

School staff are often frantically busy and may find it even more difficult to dedicate time to activities aimed at their own well-being than other eight-week course participants. The workplace setting also means they are taught in groups with colleagues and line managers.

To raise awareness and stimulate demand .b Foundations includes a carefully crafted taster session, along with shorter session than usual (90 minutes) designed to effectively introduce mindfulness to adults in the school community. Supportive attitudes and ways of relating are introduced visually and kinaesthetically, with the intention of fostering curiosity and engagement. Aspects of the .b (age 11-18) and Paws b (age 7-11) are included which help build a shared mindfulness language within school.

The curriculum draws upon a number of influences:

  • The ‘Finding Peace in a Frantic World’ Course
  • .b (age 11-18)
  • Paws b (age 7-11)
  • Original ideas from the development team
  • Mindfulness in Schools Project’s experience as teachers and school leaders’.

The Training Course

This 3-day training course enables us to offer:

  • An introduction to the .b Foundations curriculum
  • Development of knowledge and confidence in delivering the curriculum content.
  • Familiarisation with styles of delivery and enquiry specific to this curriculum and the schools/workplace context.
  • Development of a workable plan to begin to access schools to offer .b Foundations.
  • The course will allow people to explore and reflect on their own personal and teaching practice, offering learning relevant to participants’ other mindfulness teaching.

At the end of the course, participants will receive six-months free membership to The Hub and all the materials needed to start teaching the lessons.

What are the prerequisites?

1. Completion of a Teacher Training Level 1 course as a teacher of mindfulness to adults with continued adherence to the UK Network for Mindfulness-Based teachers Good Practice Guidelines

You must have trained to teach mindfulness to adults with one of the following organisations, Aberdeen University, Bangor University/Mindfulness Network, Breathworks, Exeter University, Mindfulness Association Limited, Oxford University – Oxford Mindfulness Foundation, Scottish NHS Mindfulness Network, the Sussex Mindfulness Centre or one listed by the British Association for Mindfulness-based Approaches (BAMBA) before training to teach .b Foundations to teachers and school staff. Please contact us at enquiries@mindfulnessinschools.org if you have any questions on this prerequisite.

You must have taught one or more of the following courses at least twice before training in .b Foundations. The following courses are accepted: MBSR, MBCT, Finding Peace in a Frantic World, Breathworks or Mindfulness-Based Living Course (MBLC).

.b Foundations is not designed to develop the skills needed to teach mindfulness to adults per se. This 3-day training has been designed to support adult mindfulness teachers in the development of particular skills necessary for teaching mindfulness to adults in a professional, educational setting.

NB Applicants from outside of the UK must: Meet the above prerequisites and be able to speak and understand English to an Upper Intermediate Level, i.e. be able to interact fluently with native speakers, communicate effectively and understand everyday language.

If, due to exceptional circumstances, you would like us to consider an alternative training pathway, please contact enquiries@mindfulnessinschools.org. Please note that we are unable to hold places until an application form is received.

2. A well-established formal practice of at least 20-30 consecutive minutes, on 6 out of 7 days a week

The .b Foundations curriculum is underpinned by knowledge and personal experience of the formal mindfulness practices common to secular mindfulness courses such as MBCT and MBSR. It is therefore assumed that those who attend our 3-day Teach .b Foundations training courses have a well-embedded experiential understanding of the key practices involved.

3. Ongoing commitment as a Teach .b Foundations teacher

If mindfulness is to become an established part of the education of children and young people, it is vital that the highest standards of professionalism and evidence-based integrity are maintained. We believe that this is in the interests of all those teaching and learning mindfulness.

Personal Mindfulness Practice

Having an established personal mindfulness practice allows you to:

  • Teach mindfully
  • Embody mindfulness
  • Model mindfulness to other teachers and school staff
  • Guide practices with awareness and compassion
  • Skilfully respond in enquiry appropriate to a professional setting

Teaching Mindfulness to teachers and school staff

  • Ability to facilitate interest and engagement within a professional setting
  • Holding of an open, safe and professionally appropriate learning environment for teachers and school staff
  • Good communication skills
  • Skilful management of group dynamics

How much does Teach .b Foundations cost?

This 3-day live online course costs £565.

This course meets the conditions of an exempt supply of education provided by an eligible body and therefore is exempt from VAT.

You will also receive 6-months complimentary membership to our Trained Teacher Hub.

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