Teach .b (11 – 18)

Teach .b (11 – 18)

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“Starting to feel like me again”
.b pupil

“Feeling happy and content with myself”
.b pupil

“One pupil can now sleep through the night, she does a beditation before going to sleep. Anxiety levels around exams have reduced and pupils say that they feel happier in lessons as they are more relaxed.”
.b Teacher


Teach .b course prepares participants who have met the prerequisites to teach the 10-lesson .b curriculum to 11-18-year-olds in schools, or other educational or youth-related organisations.

Participants will be taught the lessons in ‘real time’ with opportunities to discuss the pedagogy of each lesson and how it can best be taught to a group of young people in different settings. There will also be opportunities to work with other participants guiding them, and being guided by them, in the main mindfulness practices from the lessons.

Please note: This course does not qualify those who take part to go on and train others to deliver the curriculum. Nor may they share the teaching resources with others. If your place on a the course is going to be funded by your school or other organisation, we recommend you make this clear to them before enrolling for this course. For further information, please see the Terms and Conditions.

At the end of the course, participants will receive six-months free membership to The Hub where you can access electronic booklets and all the materials needed to start teaching the lessons:

  • Student Booklet
  • How to teach .b booklet
  • Teacher’s Notes on each lesson
  • PowerPoint slideshow of each lesson
  • An introductory PowerPoint presentation for colleagues

Potential Benefits For Students

  • To experience greater well-being (e.g. feel happier, calmer, more fulfilled)
  • To fulfil their potential and pursue their own goals e.g. be more creative, more relaxed, academically, personally
  • To improve their concentration and focus, in classes, in exams and tests, on the sports field, when playing games, when paying attention and listening to others
  • To work with difficult mental states such as depressive, ruminative and anxious thoughts and low moods
  • To cope with the everyday stresses and strains of adolescent life such as exams, relationships, sleep problems, family issues
  • The .b curriculum has received a high evidence rating of 3+ and the lowest cost rating of 1 from the Early Intervention Foundation, featuring in their highly-respected EIF Guidebook here.
  • .b has been designated by CASEL as a recommended program for social and emotional learning.

What are the prerequisites?

Our training is open to school teachers and non-school teachers alike but as with all the main mindfulness programmes, it is expected to be taught only by those who regularly practise mindfulness themselves.

Research shows clearly that mindfulness is more effective when taught by those who embody the particular qualities it develops, such as open-minded curiosity, kindliness, acceptance, trust, patience, and non-striving, and who have skills of focusing, and paying and switching attention.*

Teachers of mindfulness need to be able to model what they are teaching, and to understand and relate directly and empathically to experiences their students may be having from a solid base in their own life. (Similarly, you would not expect a teacher who had never been in water to teach swimming effectively!)

View the full course prerequisites before applying.

* Crane, Rebecca S, Willem Kuyken, J Mark G Williams, Richard P Hastings, Lucinda Cooper, and Melanie J V Fennell. “Competence in Teaching Mindfulness-Based Courses: Concepts, Development and Assessment.” Mindfulness 3.1 (2012): 76-84. Web.

How is Teach .b delivered?

This course is available as a live online course over 4-days or 8 sessions of two hours each  – check our course schedule for upcoming courses.

How much does Teach .b cost?

This live online course costs £620.

This course meets the conditions of an exempt supply of education provided by an eligible body and therefore is exempt from VAT.

You will also receive 6-months complimentary membership to our Trained Teacher Hub.

Discounts for group bookings may be available. For more information, please contact enquiries@mindfulnessinschools.org

We continue to offer supported places to state-funded schools meeting our criteria click here to find out more.

Testimonials & Case Studies

See testimonials

See case studies

Ready to Apply?

To view our current list of Teach .b courses, please visit our course schedule:

Diary & Course Schedule

This course may be run as a private session for your organisation, find out more about private group courses here.

The .b Curriculum

To find out more about the .b curriculum:

View Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions

There are a number of questions that regularly come up during our training courses. Please have a look through them on our FAQ page. If you have any further questions, you will be able to ask your lead trainer during your training course or feel free to contact: support@mindfulnessinschools.org

Read feedback and testimonials from previous course participants.

Upcoming courses

Teach .b
19th Nov 2024 - 22nd Nov 2024