We are delighted to announce that our charity has successfully received formal independent CPD accreditation from the CPD Standards Office.
Mindfulness in Schools Project has successfully passed the rigorous assessment process and joins the CPD Standards Community as a member whose activities have been independently assessed to the highest professional standards.
Our online introduction to mindfulness course for adults, .begin, provides 13 hours of professional CPD, and we are very proud to be able to add the CPD Standards Office mark to all .begin certificates being issued from November 2020.
Continuous professional development is important in all professions and is expected of most individuals in most sectors. Participants of our courses can be assured of MiSP’s credibility and have confidence that our courses are of the highest quality.
Gaining nationally recognised CPD credits will enable participants to receive recognition of the hours they have dedicated to their professional development and enable them to showcase their achievements.
Schools and other employers sending employees on MiSP training can be confident that our standards are high and consistent, and that we devise and deliver excellent training with integrity. Investing in CPD enables organisations to maximise staff potential, improve staff morale, allow for the sharing of best practice and support, and to demonstrate their commitment to personal and professional development.
We are delighted to share this news with our community and look forward to welcoming you on our training courses and at our growing number of events in the near future.