MiSP. Our Story
Mindfulness in Schools Project’s vision is that every child possesses the skills to help them manage difficulty and flourish, and an understanding of how and when to use those skills.
10 Years of MiSP
Chris Cullen and Richard Burnett meet with Cambridge Well-Being Institute’s Felicia Huppert at a Well-Being Conference chaired by Sir Anthony Seldon
Cambridge Wellbeing Institute researches earliest version of .b
A controlled trial of mindfulness training in schools
The importance of practice for an impact on well-being.
.b is taught as a secondary school curriculum
iTV News Discusses Mindfulness in Schools
Edit timeline entryFirst .b Training takes place
First versions of Paws .b developed for primary schools
Jon Kabat-Zinn endorses .b at a MiSP Conference
Mindfulness in Schools Conference 2013 – Highlights
Edit timeline entryRichard Burnett gives TEDx talk on creation of Paws .b
Richard Burnett at TEDxWhitechapel
Edit timeline entryFirst Paws b training takes place
MiSP called as expert witness to All Party Parliamentary Group on Mindfulness.
Tabitha Sawyer gives TEDx talk on creation of Paws b
Mindfulness in Schools | Tabitha Sawyer | TEDxCardiff
Edit timeline entryLaunch of new materials for .b to include animations
Mindfulness is being alive and knowing it, a .b animation by MiSP
Edit timeline entryWellcome Trust/Oxford University initiate .b trainings as part of MYRIAD project.
My resilience in adolescence
Edit timeline entryMiSP hosts largest UK conference on Mindfulness and Education
Mindfulness and Education Well-being and resilience for young people
Edit timeline entryMindfulness in Schools Project becomes fully registered charity
Statistics Validation