If you know which curriculum you would like to train in
please click on the appropriate badge below and go straight to the Upcoming Courses list:

Once you submit an application, you will be contacted by email within 1-2 working days. Please check your inbox and junk mail if you have not received an email within this time frame.
In line with our Environmental & Sustainability Policy, MiSP does not send physical copies of resources or booklets. These can all be accessed and downloaded electronically via our Trained Teacher Hub.
If you have any further questions please email enquiries@mindfulnessinschools.org
Overseas Partner Courses
MiSP is delighted to have agreements with a small number of organisations to run our Teach .b, Teach Paws b and Teach dots courses outside of the UK. These organisations have worked with MiSP for a number of years and offer the courses as independent organisations under a partner agreement. Many aspects of the delivery of the training are written into this agreement to ensure it is of the same quality as that of the courses run directly by MiSP in the UK. The partner is responsible for all aspects of these courses other than the content matter and the contract for these courses will be between the applicant and the partner. On successful completion of the Teach course there will then be a separate agreement between the applicant and MiSP to cover the permissions as to how and where Teach .b, Teach Paws b and Teach dots can be taught.
Currently courses are planned in Hong Kong, Japan and the Netherlands. If anyone is interested to know more, please get in touch with us.