MiSP Information Events

Pre- Recorded Information Webinar

Please click the video below to access a 35 minute pre-recorded Information Webinar, to support those interested in finding out how to bring mindfulness to their setting.

The webinar will include:

  • What mindfulness is and isn’t
  • The research evidence around potential benefits
  • What it looks like in a school context
  • The steps to bringing mindfulness to your school/setting
  • An opportunity to find out if .begin, our 8-week live online course is right for you.

These sessions would be suitable for students, teachers, school staff and governors, health care professionals, parents … anyone interested in mindfulness and young people.

Bespoke Information Sessions

We may be able to offer online Information Webinars for particular groups of staff in a school or in a cluster of schools. We can arrange these at a time to suit your staff, and can address any particular queries you may have relevant to your setting. If you are planning to introduce mindfulness to your school we thoroughly recommend you ensure that as many colleagues as possible understand the benefits of mindfulness, and have access to evidence-based information to be able to support this initiative.

If you would like us to run a bespoke information session for your school, please email us at enquiries@mindfulnessinschools.org with further details.

Do you need a Speaker?

If you are planning a conference or event and would like MiSP to speak please click here to find out more.

Live Information Webinars

Please see the diary below to attend our next Live Information Webinar if you would like to be involved in a more interactive session and have the opportunity to have your questions answered at the end of the session.


Upcoming courses

MiSP Free Information Webinar
9th Sep 2024
MiSP Free Information Webinar
11th Nov 2024

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