Step 2 – Introduce Mindfulness

Introducing mindfulness to staff and/or students – If a more mindful culture in schools is to become a reality, a core group of staff exploring and practising mindfulness is essential. This can start with a single teacher or other staff member taking the first step. In tandem with staff learning mindfulness, you may want to invite in an external MiSP trained teacher to teach the student curricula to your students.

At its most simple there are three main reasons for staff to learn mindfulness:

  1. Mindfulness can enhance the well-being and resilience of staff among many other benefits. ‘Evidence for Mindfulness: Impacts on the Wellbeing and Performance of School Staff‘ by Katherine Weare, Emeritus Professor, Universities of Exeter and Southampton
  2. To teach it well and safely to young people, teachers will need to have understood mindfulness personally – from the inside.
  3. Research indicates that staff learning mindfulness has a positive impact on whole school climate.

Which MiSP eight-week courses would you recommend?

There are a few options, depending on the number of teachers interested in finding out about mindfulness and the availability of a local .b Foundations teachers:


.begin is a live online eight-week course for individuals and small groups delivered by a MiSP-trained instructor.

.begin combines the convenience of an online course that you can complete in the comfort of your own home with the intimacy of live, face-to-face delivery. You will be introduced to mindfulness over eight weeks via small group sessions of approximately 90 minutes per week. The course is delivered via video conferencing, allowing real-time interaction with the group whilst being led by a highly experienced MiSP-trained instructor.

MiSP is accredited as a CPD provider by the CPD Standards Office, and .begin has been rigorously assessed as providing 13 hours of CPD.

More about .begin

.b Foundations

An eight-week course delivered on site by an independent MiSP-trained teacher to a group of at least 12 staff. This option is suitable for schools who have a sufficient number of interested staff to make an in-house course viable and who are able to find a local mindfulness teacher who is available. To find a local .b Foundations teacher check our map.

More about .b Foundations

Other recognised 8 week mindfulness courses – click here.

MiSP Trained to Teach Students Teacher Maps – click here.

How we support you with developing your mindfulness practice following an 8 week course

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