Liz Williams of Mindfulness Wales talks with Elinor Brown.
The new curriculum for Wales is launching in 2022 with health and wellbeing at its heart. Liz Williams has been co-leading the development of a mindfulness toolkit to help schools strategically plan the introduction of mindfulness in the most effective way, to support the developing Whole School Approach to mental and emotional health and the Health and Wellbeing area of Learning and Experience in the new curriculum.
Liz is a MiSP trainer and teaches mindfulness to children and adults in education, building on a long career in education. She is an associate of Mindfulness in Action and Chair of Mindfulness Wales. In the first part of the interview Liz talks about her work and how mindfulness can be of benefit in Wales and beyond…
Watch (or listen) as Elinor chats with Liz about the Curriculum for Wales in the second part of her interview.
Mindfulness in Schools Project and the New Curriculum for Wales
Mindfulness as part of the Curriculum for Wales 2022
Mindfulness in Wales: A Toolkit for Introducing Mindfulness in Education
Health and wellbeing at the heart of learning in Wales
We are so grateful to Liz Williams for her time and the inspiring work she and her colleagues are doing and look forward to hearing how health, wellbeing and mindfulness continue to grow in Wales.