Thank you for engaging already!
A massive THANK YOU to everyone who already engages with our social media channels by tagging us in their posts and through liking, sharing and engaging with our posts. This really helps get the word out about what MiSP offers and encourages new schools and teachers to consider mindfulness for their settings.
What can you do to encourage more schools to adopt a mindful approach?
We would really appreciate it if you could:
- Let your network know about your experience of MiSP training courses. Word of mouth goes a long way!
- Tag us whenever you post about your MiSP curricula teaching and use #MispCharity.
- Follow and share our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages.
- Like, comment and share our posts with your friends, colleagues and followers.
- Join in and share your School Sit.
Got ‘Three Good Things’ to share on a Friday?

You may have noticed that we are trying out different approaches to what we are sharing online, and we have more ideas in the pipeline!
See our MiSP Three Good Things template for you to use with your students and come and join us on our social media channels every Friday and share your Three Good Things.
Noticing the good in our lives is one way we can practice mindfulness and gratitude; turning our attention towards what’s working well for us and savouring it.
We know how lucky we are to have such a wonderful community of MiSP trained teachers and are keen to connect and share the fantastic work we are doing together. If you have any suggestions for other ways to do this, please get in touch.