Impact Data

MiSP provides a ‘Class Impact’ survey service to measure the impact of .b, Paws and .breathe for pupils and teachers. We provide summary reports that can be shared with school senior leadership, governors, other staff, parents and the students themselves. Between September 2016 and July 2024, 996 teachers and over 27,000 pupils were surveyed on the impact these curricula have had on them.

If you are a .b, Paws b or .breathe teacher you can request this service within one month of teaching the last lesson of the curriculum. We will send you a link to an online survey which will ask students how much they enjoyed the course and how useful they had found it as well as indicating specific areas of impact such as coping with difficulty, concentration, exams, sleep and noticing more of the ‘good stuff’ in life. We will also ask you about your experience of teaching the curriculum.

We have collated the data across all schools who have requested a “Class Impact” survey and are happy to be able to share some of the wonderful feedback that we have received so far.