Inclusion and Support Group Meetings

Don’t forget to join us at our Inclusion and Support group meetings this month!

Our inaugural meetings of these groups last term were a great success and provided space for really rich discussion. We are looking forward to this term’s meetings where each group will look at specific themes:

  • The BAME Inclusion and Support Group will meet at 7pm on Tuesday 9th March 2021 and the theme of the meeting will be ‘Cultural experiences’ discussing:
    • What drew you to mindfulness, and what keeps you practising it?
    • What are the harmonies or conflicts between mindfulness and your cultural context?

  • The SEND Inclusion and Support Group will meet at 7pm on Thursday 11th March 2021 and the theme of the meeting will be ‘Discussing specific adaptations’ in 4 main areas:
    • For 121/small group work
    • For CYP with hearing impairments or difficulty with language
    • For CYP with Autism Spectrum Disorder
    • For support staff to use

  • The Independent Teachers Inclusion and Support Group will meet at 7pm on Tuesday 16th March 2021 where the theme of the meeting will be: ‘Getting into Schools’.

  • The Men’s Inclusion and Support Group will meet at 7.30pm on Thursday 18th March 2021 where the theme will be: ‘What does being ‘masculine’ mean and how is that expressed within mindfulness’.

It is not too late to sign up for these sessions and we would love to see more of you there! Anyone who has completed a MiSP course can register here.

Or if you have already registered for the group, please check your email for the Zoom link or contact for details.

We are grateful to have such a fantastic and engaged community of educators. We look forward to welcoming you to these groups!

See notes from last term’s meetings here.