Are you eligible to apply for one of our Supported Places?

Our vision is that more children, regardless of background, have the opportunity to be taught mindfulness skills to help them manage difficulty, achieve their potential and flourish in life. Our charity can offer financial support via our Supported Places scheme to adults working in state-funded schools which face particular challenges …

Schools with high levels of pupils eligible for Free School Meals / Pupil Premium

Whilst the relationship between poverty and educational attainment is complicated, there is no doubt that poverty can be a significant factor in the development of mental and emotional ill health.

The 2016 Children’s Society Report ‘Poor Mental Health’ found that children growing up in poverty are more likely to feel like a failure, useless and hopeless about their future than their affluent peers.  They currently estimate that the number of children living in poverty will reach 5 million in 2021 Ending Child Poverty | The Children’s Society (

Our charity offers Supported Places to adults working in schools with high levels of Free Schools Meals / Pupil Premium so that children growing up in poverty have the opportunity to access the many benefits of mindfulness, which can provide them with lifelong skills to manage their experiences and move forward in life.

Schools with high levels of pupils eligible for Special Educational Needs support

The Department for Education reports that (as of January 2021) the number of pupils with special educational needs has increased to 1,083,100 which represents 12.2% of all pupils.  The number of pupils with an EHC plan has risen by 10% to 325,600 in 2021, representing 3.7% of all pupils.

We believe that children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities should receive the same educational opportunities as other learners. They should also access the same preparation for the important transitions they will face between life stages and settings, from school to adulthood, enabling them to become active participants in society. We know that mindfulness can support these transitions. We provide Supported Places to adults working in schools with high levels of pupils eligible for SEN support to encourage equality of opportunity for all.

Schools with high levels of pupils whose first language is not English

According to the most recent published figures, the proportion of pupils with English as an additional language represents 20.9% of primary school pupils and 17.2% in secondary schools as of January 2021.

That’s roughly one in six children speaking English as an Additional Language (EAL). These learners will be at different stages of English language acquisition (from complete beginner to advanced bilingual), as well as having different individual backgrounds and needs. Some will be literate in other languages and might already have developed concepts in school subjects through another language. Others will have had little or no formal education and might not be literate in any language. Some will be gifted or talented; others will have learning difficulties and/or disabilities, and some will have experienced significant trauma or adversity.

Our charity provides Supported Places for schools with high levels of pupils with EAL to help them provide effective teaching and learning for all learners within their school.

Over the past 2 years we have provided over £55,000 worth of Supported Places on our training courses. We want to increase the number of schools that we support.  Please apply for a Supported Place here.

Apply for a Supported Place here.