The Pathways – Step 1 Starter Resources

The Pathways

Step 1: Starter Resources

Congratulations!  You are now on Step 1 of the Pathways.

Please follow the links below to access FREE information to help you get started:

  • Pathways overview – understand how MiSP can support you with every step of your journey in bringing mindfulness to your school or setting – helping you to help them
  • Sample lessons – take a look at a sample dots, Paws b and .b lessons
  • MiSP information booklet – Learn about what mindfulness is and the training that MiSP provides, supporting you every step of the way
  • What does the science say? – Take a look at the Research evidence, School/Setting Case Studies and Class Impact Survey data
  • Mapping the Curricula – Explore how the MiSP curricula support and work with the UK PSHE programmes of study and the statutory guidance
  • Information Flyer – Share information about the benefits of mindfulness with your school community


Thinking about Step 2?

For more information, please see the Frequently Asked Questions

If you need further assistance, please contact