Top Tips: How to get mindfulness onto your school timetable

How to get mindfulness onto your school timetable Effective implementation of mindfulness in schools needs planning and thought. One of the most important strategic decisions however is very simple: get mindfulness on the school timetable. Once it’s there, it can be routinely taught, week in, week out, term after term, and hundreds of children and […]

10 Steps to Introduce Mindfulness to Your school

by Liz Lord and Willem Kuyken There has never been a more receptive time for schools to look at the best, evidenced-based ways to support the wellbeing of pupils and staff. As heads, senior leadership teams (SLTs) and school staff look for ways to support their school communities in these challenging times, is there a […]

Healthy Minds, featuring .breathe, now available to all schools ...

We are delighted that Healthy Minds, the PSHE curriculum for secondary schools which features the four .breathe lessons, is now available to all schools. Healthy Minds consists of resilience, mental health, social media and goal setting lessons, and provides training to deliver 61 lessons to support young peoples’ mental and emotional health. Read more from […]