Mindfulness for Modern Life

Guest blog by Emily Brierley, Youth Ambassador for Mindfulness in Schools Project Mindfulness: a word often invoking raised eyebrows and a dismissive comment. It appears to exist on a spectrum of simply being a fad or the foundations of out of touch hippies. In reality, mindful qualities are inherent in human nature, most consistently and […]
Speaker Event

Mindfulness in Schools An introduction to The Present for Schools and our collaboration with Sarah Silverton & Faiy Rushton Monday 8th July 2024 – 7pm to 8pm (UK time) What to expect? As part of the MiSP Speaker Series for 2023/24 and to celebrate our new collaboration, you are warmly invited to hear Sarah Silverton, […]
Announcing an exciting new collaboration with The Present for Schools

Mindfulness in Schools Project is delighted to announce a new collaboration with the long-standing and well-respected not-for-profit organisation, The Present Courses CIC. What is The Present? The Present is a spiral curriculum for children aged 3-12 and the adults working with them, developed by internationally renowned mindfulness teacher/trainer, Sarah Silverton, school teacher, Tabitha Sawyer, and […]
Our mindfulness journey in Wales

Guest blog by Elizabeth Williams, Chair of Meddylgarwch Cymru (Mindfulness Wales) and Associate Trainer for MiSP Early in our mindfulness journey in Wales, as a group of educators and mindfulness practitioners, we asked ourselves “What could mindfulness do for learners in Wales?”. We ended up with four solid aims – mindfulness can help our learners […]
Introducing The Pathways Step 2

By Faiy Rushton – Education and Training Development Manager The Pathways model is a framework designed to help individuals, schools and educational settings explore the benefits of mindfulness and clearly see the extent of MiSP’s potential support. Please see our at-a-glance Pathways Model infographic. Back in May we launched the concept of the Pathways and […]
Chris Cullen’s reflections on MYRIAD research and its subsequent presentation

On 20th September 2023, we held a webinar where Chris Cullen and Richard Burnett, MiSP’s co-founders, shared the early days of Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) – what gave them the idea to set up MiSP, where their personal mindfulness journey started from and where has it taken them to this point… You can watch […]
Reflections as CEO

Reflections on two years as CEO of MiSP By Emily Slater, CEO, Mindfulness in Schools Project As I approached my second anniversary as CEO of MiSP, I found myself reflecting on the great privilege it has been and also some of the challenges of these times. People across the charity and education sectors have shared […]
Speaker Event 22nd November 2023

Mindfulness in Schools – What we’ve learned & where might we go next? A perspective from Professor Katherine Weare 22nd November 2023 – 7pm to 8pm UK time Watch the recording of this event here. What to expect? We are thrilled and honoured that Professor Katherine Weare will be sharing what for her have been […]
Mindfulness can support our school communities

Guest blog by Dr. Alan Lee, Chief Executive Officer of Bedfordshire Schools Trust and National Leader of Education (NLE) Mindfulness can do much to support schools and those that make up our school communities. Certainly, it has supported me and even changed my life. I also see it is changing the lives of many of […]