webmaster Page 8

Top Tips: Involving Parents

How can we involve our parent community? Parents are an important part of the school community, and involving them in school life can be a fantastic opportunity whilst also sometimes feeling like a challenge. Providing information We encourage all schools who are teaching mindfulness to their students to let parents know that they are doing […]

10 Steps to Introduce Mindfulness to Your school

by Liz Lord and Willem Kuyken There has never been a more receptive time for schools to look at the best, evidenced-based ways to support the wellbeing of pupils and staff. As heads, senior leadership teams (SLTs) and school staff look for ways to support their school communities in these challenging times, is there a […]

Just calling something ‘mindful’ does not make it mindful

by Claire Kelly ‘Mindful’ and ‘mindfulness’ are rapidly becoming the words of the moment, a useful shorthand for ‘paying attention’ or even ‘relaxation’, but that isn’t what they mean, and it’s important to know why. As of August 2020, a simple Google search (from within the UK) for the term ‘mindfulness’ offers 268,000,000 results, indicating […]

Can mindfulness can help save the world?

By Chivonne Preston This week, I attended the launch of the seminal discussion paper “Mindfulness: Developing Agency in Urgent Times” by the UK’s policy institute, the Mindfulness Initiative. For those of us worried that mindfulness is at risk of being erroneously perceived as promoting passivity and compliance, this paper expertly outlines the progression from individual […]