
Our mindfulness journey in Wales

Guest blog by Elizabeth Williams, Chair of Meddylgarwch Cymru (Mindfulness Wales) and Associate Trainer for MiSP Early in our mindfulness journey in Wales, as a group of educators and mindfulness practitioners, we asked ourselves “What could mindfulness do for learners in Wales?”.  We ended up with four solid aims – mindfulness can help our learners […]

Speaker Event 22nd November 2023

Mindfulness in Schools – What we’ve learned & where might we go next? A perspective from Professor Katherine Weare 22nd November 2023 – 7pm to 8pm UK time Watch the recording of this event here. What to expect? We are thrilled and honoured that Professor Katherine Weare will be sharing what for her have been […]

Speaker Event 20th September 2023

Mindfulness in Schools Project: How it all began 20th September 2023 – 7pm to 8pm UK time Watch the recording of this event here. For the first time since the inception of Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) in 2009, we invite Chris Cullen and Richard Burnett, MiSP’s co-founders to share those early days – what […]

MiSP in the Netherlands

Mindfulness in Schools Project is delighted to have agreements with a small number of organisations to run our courses outside of the UK. We have worked closely with these international organisations to ensure that they are able to maintain the integrity and quality of our courses and that they have a suitably qualified, professional local […]

A day in the life of . . .

A day in the life of Maggie Farrar Mindfulness has been such an important part of my life for many years. I have always been attracted to meditation and particularly the roots of contemporary, secular mindfulness in Buddhist psychology. When I came across mindfulness 20 years ago it seemed to show me a way of […]