Adrian Bethune
Ways to Rest

Do you ever find yourself postponing a break until the next thing is done? With the intense demands on education staff, intensified by the pandemic, it is no wonder that day after day involves driving relentlessly from one task to another. In addition, as educators and carers, many of us have a habit of putting ourselves […]
Themes from our 2021 Conference

We were delighted to welcome so many of our community to our online conference last weekend, including delegates from over 20 nations who were present to listen to our fantastic speakers. Our theme ‘Including All’ was chosen to reflect conversations that have been going on in communities across the world, and it was wonderful to […]
The 4 C’s: Creativity, Culture, Contemplation, Community.

by Charisse Minerva For 5 years I taught College Success Skills at a local community college. It was my personal determination to include Mindfulness in the existing curriculum. There was resistance on many levels, mostly due to the lack of familiarity with Mindfulness work in this geographic region. I was determined, so I pushed on. […]
Join Our Team!

Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) has been working in schools and other youth-related contexts for over 10 years and is widely recognised as the originator and leader in the field of mindfulness in education. Our vision is that every child and young person should have the opportunity to learn mindfulness skills to help them manage […]
Practical Solutions for Dyslexia

On Thursday 11th February 2021 we hosted the fourth of our ‘Inviting the Experts…’ series of webinars. This is a series of CPD sessions which we have set up recognising the incredible work that is going on in schools right now in particularly challenging circumstances and the need for school staff to have access to […]
Supporting Young Carers in Schools

On Thursday 14th January 2021 we hosted the third of our ‘Inviting the Experts…’ series of webinars. This is a series of CPD sessions which we have set up recognising the incredible work that is going on in schools right now in particularly challenging circumstances and the need for school staff to have access to […]
Develop a ‘to be‘ list for 2021

A New Year’s Revelation for teachers by Liz Lord In the second of our series of blogs looking at the essential qualities of school mindfulness teachers, Liz Lord questions the constant and never ending ‘to do’ lists and offers an alternative… I worked for almost 20 years as a teacher, SLT member, SENDCO, CAMHS link […]
The Lost Qualities of Teachers – Finding a Way Back with Mindfulness

By Liz Lord In this first of a series of blogs looking at the essential qualities of school mindfulness teachers, Liz Lord tracks the explosion in popularity of the children’s book, The Lost Words, by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris, and explores the lessons we can learn from their experiences. I first learned of the […]