Primary School
Case Study: Poverest Primary Clarion Project

Name: Elisa Irwin Role: Class teacher Type of educational setting: two form Primary School with an ASD provision Location: Orpington, Kent Age range of students: 7-year groups 5-11 years No. students: 428 Percentage Pupil premium: 34% Percentage SEND/SEMH: 19% Number of staff trained to teach mindfulness: Just me Our school is part of the Clarion […]
Case Study: Bishopston Primary School

Name: Ffiona Owen Role: External mindfulness teacher Location: Swansea Age range of students: 7 – 11 years (KS2) No. students: 146 (8 of which in STF class) No. of classes: 6 (incl. Specialist Teaching Facility – STF) Date of delivery: 04/10/2021 – 26/01/2022 Having delivered the Paws b programme at Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin during […]
Astudiaeth Achos: Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Click here to view an English version of this page Enw: Ffiona Owen Rôl: Athrawes meddylgarwch allanol Lleoliad: Abertawe Ystod oed y disgyblion: 7 – 11 oed (CA2) Nifer y disgyblion: 276 (CA2) Nifer o ddosbarthiadau: 9 Canran premiwm disgybl: Amherthnasol Canran ADY (SEND/SEMH): 16.7% Nifer o staff a hyfforddwyd i addysgu meddylgarwch: 0 Dyddiad […]
Case Study: Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin

Cliciwch yma am fersiwn Cymraeg y dudalen hon Name: Ffiona Owen Role: External mindfulness teacher Location: Swansea Age range of students: 7 – 11 years (KS2) Number of students: 276 (KS2) Number of classes: 9 Percentage pupil premium: N/A Percentage SEND/SEMH: 16.7% Number of staff trained to teach mindfulness: 0 Date of delivery: Summer term […]
Nominate a MiSP Junior or Youth Ambassador!

MiSP curricula has been taught to thousands of children and young people from all backgrounds in all types of schools and youth-related organisations the UK and beyond. We are keen to celebrate some of the young people who have discovered the benefits of mindfulness for themselves, who can inspire others to practice mindfulness in their […]
Why is a whole school approach so important?

Over the past century our understanding of how children learn has developed considerably, and whilst research continues and experts debate the mechanisms there is one unifying factor: the interactions that children have with others (‘relationships’) are key. From Sigmund Freud’s focus on childhood experiences, to John Bowlby’s attachment theory, to Albert Bandura’s proposition that learning […]
Research into Paws b

Research into the impacts of mindfulness programmes in schools has tended to focus on older children of secondary school age. There are, happily, a growing number of research projects investigating the impacts on younger, pre-adolescent, children of primary school age. We launched our curriculum for 7-11 year olds, Paws b, in 2013 and in 2015 […]
Recurring themes from our Teaching Mindfully conference

We were delighted to welcome so many delegates to our maiden online conference on Saturday 20th June. Over 900 educators joined us throughout the day for a series of insightful and informative talks, presentations and case studies from our broad range of expert speakers. Punctuating the day with some short mindfulness practices, we also had […]
City Kids Surfing

Tom Franklin founded and runs the City Kids Surfing charity which gives children from city schools the chance to ‘fall in love with the ocean and change their life for the better.’ In 2019 MiSP provided a supported place for Tom on the Teach Paws b course … this is his story: Mental health problems […]