Mindfulness Page 2

Making mindfulness accessible for more audiences

Guest blog by Tim Anfield who is an associate trainer with the Mindfulness in Schools Project, a Mindfulness in Action trainer and founder of Mindful Families. “a passion to help make mindfulness accessible for more audiences…” I started teaching adult mindfulness in 2016, with a passion to help make mindfulness accessible for more audiences. The […]

Mindfulness? More than ever!

Guest blog by Chris Alekkou, Primary School Teacher & Associate Trainer for MiSP “slowly, slowly, mindfulness will hopefully begin to help my colleagues in the same way it has helped me, and the practice and its approach might become a bigger part of school life.” I am one of those few lucky ones that knew, […]

MiSP in the Netherlands

Mindfulness in Schools Project is delighted to have agreements with a small number of organisations to run our courses outside of the UK. We have worked closely with these international organisations to ensure that they are able to maintain the integrity and quality of our courses and that they have a suitably qualified, professional local […]

The 4 C’s: Creativity, Culture, Contemplation, Community.

by Charisse Minerva For 5 years I taught College Success Skills at a local community college. It was my personal determination to include Mindfulness in the existing curriculum. There was resistance on many levels, mostly due to the lack of familiarity with Mindfulness work in this geographic region. I was determined, so I pushed on. […]

10 Steps to Introduce Mindfulness to Your school

by Liz Lord and Willem Kuyken There has never been a more receptive time for schools to look at the best, evidenced-based ways to support the wellbeing of pupils and staff. As heads, senior leadership teams (SLTs) and school staff look for ways to support their school communities in these challenging times, is there a […]