webmaster Page 5

The Lost Qualities of Teachers – Finding a Way Back with Mindfulness

By Liz Lord In this first of a series of blogs looking at the essential qualities of school mindfulness teachers, Liz Lord tracks the explosion in popularity of the children’s book, The Lost Words, by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris, and explores the lessons we can learn from their experiences. I first learned of the […]

How fundraising for MiSP has helped keep employees happy, healthy and engaged during COVID-19

During 2020 MiSP has received generous donations from R3, the global enterprise software firm that is pioneering digital industry transformation in the world of Blockchain. That is because they are committed to the health and wellbeing of their team, and to taking their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) seriously. R3 have had some great ideas of […]

Top Tips: How to get mindfulness onto your school timetable

How to get mindfulness onto your school timetable Effective implementation of mindfulness in schools needs planning and thought. One of the most important strategic decisions however is very simple: get mindfulness on the school timetable. Once it’s there, it can be routinely taught, week in, week out, term after term, and hundreds of children and […]

Autumn meetings of our new Inclusion and Support Groups

This month saw the inaugural meetings of our Inclusion and Support Groups which have been set up to provide support to our communities and to facilitate dialogue, learning and development. They have provided a wonderful opportunity for mindfulness teachers and practitioners to meet and begin to share experiences, issues and achievements. We look forward to […]

How iBme UK is using National Lottery Funding to support young people directly

by Kareem Ghandour At iBme UK our focus is to support young people in developing self-awareness, compassion, and ethical decision making, and empowering them to apply these skills to their lives and communities. For the past four years we’ve offered residential retreats for young people from diverse backgrounds, giving them access to in-depth experiences of […]