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It’s like the Wild West out there! Mindfulness myth-busting.

Did you know that if you Google mindfulness training, the search gives rise to 399,000,000 results? At least, that was today’s count. It therefore comes as no surprise that, when applying to take part in MiSP’s teacher training courses, there’s a certain amount of confusion when trying to identify what previous mindfulness training and experience […]

Lisa's Story

by Lisa Williamson Hello, I’m Lisa and I work in accounts and process applications for MiSP courses (I know, I know but someone has to do it). I am so excited about working for MiSP because I want children to have the wonderful life tool of mindfulness that I discovered for myself only five years ago.  […]

Mental Strength, Agility and Health For All

In an article for the Cambridge University Press report, Education Insights From Cambridge MiSP CEO, Chivonne Preston, talks about the ways mindfulness can equip learners from a wide range of contexts and backgrounds to thrive happily within a challenging and ever-evolving work landscape. “We do not know what specific knowledge our children are going to […]

Being A Present Parent On Results Day

by Matt Wilks Being a parent of a 16 year-old is difficult. This not-quite adult who has emerged from the child you knew and now fills your home with their mess, their technology obsession and their opinions. There’s the nascent next-stages, the blossoming relationships (or not), the faltering first steps into the world of work […]