News & Comment Page 14

Top Tips: Networking

Where can I network with other MiSP trained teachers? We know that training to teach mindfulness to children and young people with MiSP is a unique experience and there is often a great sense of community and warmth with other participants on the course. We hope to support our trained teachers and provide opportunities to […]

New year, new challenge? Run the Asics London 10km for MiSP in 2020!

We are delighted to be able to offer free places on the Asics London 10km race taking place through Central London on Sunday 5th July 2020! Join our team to take on this exciting challenge to help support our A Million Minds Matter appeal … Why choose the ASICS London 10km? Starting on Piccadilly, this […]

MiSP is delighted to announce that trustee and co-founder Richard Burnett has been elected as the new Chair of MiSP’s Board of Trustees. Richard has extensive experience of bringing mindfulness to schools, having co-written the flagship .b curriculum and taught mindfulness to thousands of children in schools since 2003. He has been a broadcaster, writer […]

Healthy Minds, featuring .breathe, now available to all schools ...

We are delighted that Healthy Minds, the PSHE curriculum for secondary schools which features the four .breathe lessons, is now available to all schools. Healthy Minds consists of resilience, mental health, social media and goal setting lessons, and provides training to deliver 61 lessons to support young peoples’ mental and emotional health. Read more from […]

Continuing Your Mindfulness Journey in 2020

The nights are drawing in, the temperature is dropping and the Christmas adverts are out – it’s starting to feel very much like the end of the year. For many of us this might be a good time to begin to reflect on what we want to achieve in 2020, professionally, personally, and in terms […]

It’s like the Wild West out there! Mindfulness myth-busting.

Did you know that if you Google mindfulness training, the search gives rise to 399,000,000 results? At least, that was today’s count. It therefore comes as no surprise that, when applying to take part in MiSP’s teacher training courses, there’s a certain amount of confusion when trying to identify what previous mindfulness training and experience […]