News & Comment Page 4

Photo of MiSP trained teacher Gerry Rickard teaching Paws B to pupils at Southern Cross Academy in Mozambique

The Paws b programme has been delivered – to the best of our knowledge – for the very first time in Mozambique to the children at Southern Cross Academy. The programme was delivered by Gerry Rickard, who trained to teach Paws b earlier this year and completed a Masters in Mindfulness-Based Teaching at Bangor University. […]

A day in the life of . . .

A day in the life of Maggie Farrar Mindfulness has been such an important part of my life for many years. I have always been attracted to meditation and particularly the roots of contemporary, secular mindfulness in Buddhist psychology. When I came across mindfulness 20 years ago it seemed to show me a way of […]

From Teaching Mindfulness to Leading Mindfully - An Exploration

By Maggie Farrar I recently facilitated a MiSP programme on ‘Exploring Mindful Leadership’ for those trained, through MiSP, to teach mindfulness to children and who were interested in exploring how their mindfulness practice could enhance their leadership whatever their role. We also explored how we might use our experience, as teachers of mindfulness, to influence […]

What we need now ... and in the future

We are living at an incredibly uncertain time. We are clearly living in challenging times. The pandemic has been difficult for all of us in different ways and highlighted the inequalities and discrimination in our society. There is suffering throughout the world through continuing conflict, including the new one we are witnessing in Europe. We […]