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Autumn meetings of MiSP Inclusion and Support Groups

We have been delighted to host meetings of our Inclusion and Support Groups this term. These groups have been set up to facilitate dialogue, learning and development and have provided a wonderful opportunity for mindfulness teachers and practitioners to meet to discuss issues and share experiences. We look forward to the next meetings being held […]

Offering mindfulness throughout the Powys County Council Pupil Referral Service: An inclusive and sustainable model.

“There’s never been a better time to plant this seed and grow this . . .” Setting: Service-wide. Local authority schools and workforce Location: Powys MiSP Curricula: .b Foundations, Paws b and .b Age group/s: Adults and young people 7-16 Author: Linda Gutierrez Role: Emotional Health and Wellbeing Lead, Pupil Referral Service South and Mid […]

Ways to Rest

Do you ever find yourself postponing a break until the next thing is done? With the intense demands on education staff, intensified by the pandemic, it is no wonder that day after day involves driving relentlessly from one task to another. In addition, as educators and carers, many of us have a habit of putting ourselves […]

Back to School: What can mindfulness offer us during transition?

Elinor Brown explores how mindfulness can support us through change, the Bridges Transition Model and a practice for being present as we move between day-to-day activities. The first of a series of blogs looking at mindfulness and wellbeing through the rhythms of the school year. “Transition is not just a nice way to say change. […]

Mind report investigates mental health in schools

The latest report from the charity Mind investigates mental health issues in secondary schools Between September 2020 and April 2021 the charity Mind researched the experiences of young people aged 11-25 in England affected by mental health problems at secondary school. They heard from over 2,800 young people, parents, school staff and mental health professionals, […]