webmaster Page 9

Why is a whole school approach so important?

Over the past century our understanding of how children learn has developed considerably, and whilst research continues and experts debate the mechanisms there is one unifying factor: the interactions that children have with others (‘relationships’) are key. From Sigmund Freud’s focus on childhood experiences, to John Bowlby’s attachment theory, to Albert Bandura’s proposition that learning […]

Research into implementing mindfulness in schools

MYRIAD involves a range of studies, including a seven-year randomised control trial and research project funded by the Wellcome Trust. It is investigating whether and how mindfulness training (MiSP’s .b) can be used to prevent depression and build resilience during early adolescence, to establish whether mindfulness can be an effective and cost-effective approach to promoting […]

Research into the impact of mindfulness on teachers

Teaching is a challenging profession and work-related stress is a serious problem in schools. Whilst there is a large body of research on the mental and physical health benefits of mindfulness for adults generally, this 2015 study specifically investigates the impact of mindfulness on teachers in schools. Non-Randomised Feasibility Trial Assessing The Efficacy Of A […]

Research into .b

There have been a number of studies conducted to investigate the impact of our curriculum for 11-18 year olds, .b, on young people. One of the earliest was undertaken in 2013 to assess the acceptability of .b as a universal mindfulness intervention to enhance mental health and well-being in secondary schools. This was a non-randomised […]

Meeting DfE guidance for September: introducing mindfulness to support children’s wellbeing

For many teachers the summer holidays this year will not provide the mental and physical break from school life that they need. Earlier this month the DfE published its guidance for the full opening of schools in September, outlining how all state-funded schools should prepare for all pupils, in all year groups, to return to […]

Thank you to our fantastic fundraisers!

On Sunday 5th July a number of dedicated MiSP supporters undertook personal challenges to raise funds for our five year appeal ‘A Million Minds Matter’. This fundraising, which enables us to provide lifelong skills to children and young people, is more important than ever. In this often challenging and confusing world, we want children and […]