
Top Tips: Involving Parents

How can we involve our parent community? Parents are an important part of the school community, and involving them in school life can be a fantastic opportunity whilst also sometimes feeling like a challenge. Providing information We encourage all schools who are teaching mindfulness to their students to let parents know that they are doing […]

Being A Present Parent On Results Day

by Matt Wilks Being a parent of a 16 year-old is difficult. This not-quite adult who has emerged from the child you knew and now fills your home with their mess, their technology obsession and their opinions. There’s the nascent next-stages, the blossoming relationships (or not), the faltering first steps into the world of work […]

Good Enough

by Ben Chalwin   “If it’s good enough for you, it’s good enough for me.” Dodgy – Good Enough A chipped mug, a book with bent up pages and a seized rear windscreen wiper – all minor sources of irritation. In reality, these imperfections don’t have that much of a negative impact on how these […]