wellbeing Page 2

Top Tips: How to get mindfulness onto your school timetable

How to get mindfulness onto your school timetable Effective implementation of mindfulness in schools needs planning and thought. One of the most important strategic decisions however is very simple: get mindfulness on the school timetable. Once it’s there, it can be routinely taught, week in, week out, term after term, and hundreds of children and […]

Why is a whole school approach so important?

Over the past century our understanding of how children learn has developed considerably, and whilst research continues and experts debate the mechanisms there is one unifying factor: the interactions that children have with others (‘relationships’) are key. From Sigmund Freud’s focus on childhood experiences, to John Bowlby’s attachment theory, to Albert Bandura’s proposition that learning […]

Research into implementing mindfulness in schools

MYRIAD involves a range of studies, including a seven-year randomised control trial and research project funded by the Wellcome Trust. It is investigating whether and how mindfulness training (MiSP’s .b) can be used to prevent depression and build resilience during early adolescence, to establish whether mindfulness can be an effective and cost-effective approach to promoting […]

Research into the impact of mindfulness on teachers

Teaching is a challenging profession and work-related stress is a serious problem in schools. Whilst there is a large body of research on the mental and physical health benefits of mindfulness for adults generally, this 2015 study specifically investigates the impact of mindfulness on teachers in schools. Non-Randomised Feasibility Trial Assessing The Efficacy Of A […]

Recurring themes from our Teaching Mindfully conference

We were delighted to welcome so many delegates to our maiden online conference on Saturday 20th June. Over 900 educators joined us throughout the day for a series of insightful and informative talks, presentations and case studies from our broad range of expert speakers. Punctuating the day with some short mindfulness practices, we also had […]

Wellbeing starts with you

We are delighted to be sponsoring the upcoming MiSP Conference and to be part of such an important debate. We are looking forward to the discussions and practice around this year’s theme of Teaching Mindfully, as now more than ever, this feels like the right time to be encouraging wellbeing and mental health, and we […]